Continue to Be Involved
- Stay involved in service, clubs, and activities that align with your interests and goals
Focus on Academics
- As always, make sure you are challenging yourself with high-level coursework
Work on your Educational Development Plan (EDP) with Your Advisor
- You will continue to develop your academic and career goals
Take the PSAT 10
- All FlexTech students take the PSAT 10 in the fall
- This is excellent practice for taking the SAT as an 11th grader
- Your advisor and counselor will use your results to help you set academic goals
Visit Colleges
- Begin to informally visit some local colleges to help you get a feel for the type of school you like
- Walk around the campus, take a tour if you have time, and use your college journal to make notes
of what you do and do not like about each college campus
Take the PSAT 10
- All FlexTech students take the PSAT 10 again in April
- This is a great opportunity to track your academic progress and to get more
practice for the SAT
Select Your Junior Year Courses and Projects with Care
- What classes will you need to take next year to help you achieve your academic goals?
College Is Yours 2.0 by Patrick J. O'Connor